Jundee Operations

The Jundee Operations are located in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
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Production commenced in 1995 from a complex of open pits (now ceased), and in 1997 from two underground mines. Jundee was acquired by Northern Star in 2014.
Ore is currently sourced from the Jundee and Ramone underground mines and the Julius open pit.

Jundee is an Archean lode-gold deposit located in the northern Yandal greenstone belt. The local greenstone succession is dominated by mafic-ultramafic rocks and dolerite sills.
Gold distribution is controlled by a brittle fault-fracture system preferentially developed in dolerite and basalt units. Gold is in narrow veins, is often coarse and very high grade.

Mining at Jundee is focused around the main Jundee underground directly adjacent to the processing plant. The Jundee underground provides the primary ore feed, with supplementary mill feed coming from satellite operations with ore hauled via road train.
The Jundee underground mine is accessed via three portals (Invicta, Barton & Gateway) and produces over 2Mtpa. A development fleet of five jumbos provides access to the production areas where ore is extracted via long hole open stoping methods.
Underground development and production activities are completed by an external contractor with Northern Star providing all technical, management and support services.
The Ramone deposit is located 35km southeast of the Jundee processing plant and access via private haul road.
Ramone is a conventional top-down long hole open stope operation accessed via jumbo development. Average ore movements are 750,000tpa with mining undertaken by our mining services division, Northern Star Mining Services (NSMS).

The Jundee processing circuit is a conventional CIL plant with a hard rock processing capacity of approximately 3.0Mtpa. The process consists of a single toggle overhead eccentric swing jaw crusher followed by a SAG and Ball milling circuit incorporating gravity recovery and CIP process achieving ~90% recoveries.